Área Privada

¿quienes somos? nuestra escuela infantil

Bliss Nursery School is a bilingual private pre-school education centre certified by the Regional Government of Madrid for children between 1 to 3 years old.

We aim to the integral care of our pupils in order to make them happy, cared for, dear, cleaned and safe in an educational environment.

«We are a small family, a second home where affection, care and personal assistance are our priorities.»

Bliss fosters a unique global wellness within their educational methods that will allow the children grow up and fully develop inside a processional pedagogical project.


your child’s wellness is our top priority

With as much affection and care as home, we will provide their second home always keeping a relation of complete trust and care-bonding with the parents.

Our nursery school gives you the opportunity to educate and develop toddlers, babies and children up to 3 years old in a school based on the pilars of our educational system: Psychomotrocity, Artistic expression, linguistic, musical language and games adapted to all ages and personal needs of each child:

Movement Matters: Motor skills must being practised and polish in order to assist children become stronger, healthier and more independent. We deeply emphasys in an adecuate growth within the motor skills to make them conscious of their own body, coordination and knowledge of their basic technical skills.

Art of dreaming: Art itself is a way to create expressive, clever and bliss kids. Our teachers plan a series of science, maths and art related activities to set up a rightful cognitive development including problem solving issues. The natural curiosity of children is cultivated and boosted by a unique learning-method based on previous researches.

Musical developmente, learning to listen: We provide musical experiences in synch with the child’s natural growth, encouraging them to boost their physical, intellectual and emotional capacities. Ages from 1 to 3 children normally mimic many sounds they listen to, react rythmically with music or is interested by objetcs containing noise or sound as well as starts singing and repeating fragments of songs on their own.

Learning the language: We learn a second language as a natural way, intuitive and ludic. At Bliss we establish the basic knowledge of english as a second mother tongue through songs, gestures, games, dances and flashcards. We introduce them into the english language with fully bilingual teachers in all all their routines and activities.

Sensory games: Memory and attention stimulation will provide them with better and more complex functionalities such as problem solving, faster language learning or space reasoning. Sensory games throughout the first years of life makes a great first step into skills we value when we become adults.

Learn should be fun!

We believe in celebrate the joy and blissfulness of infancy is in everything we do. Childhood should be filled with laughter to inspire love for learning. That is precisely how Bliss is designed. sp we intentionally want your child to feel happy and thrilled for the day ahead. In our comfy and fun classrooms, Bliss’s teachers cultivate and love every aspect that make a child truly special.

¡ grow up with bliss !

mission & vision

Our Mission is to provide education, qualified personal care and attention in a safe environment, respectful, loving and inclusive that will make an incomparable start for the learning throughout their lives.

Our Vision is to make a familiar atmosphere, warm and inclusive where every type of child will feel loved, respected and enliven to develop their maximum capacity. Our program is scheduled to promote a positive growing feeling in the life of every child and sustain a safe place for children to grow in a positive way. We adapt a holistic focus that will allow each child improve all social, physical, emotional and intellectual skills. We know each child is unique and all the first positive experiences we have in our lives are fundamental for a right general development afterwards in life.

our values


We enjoy the kid’s pride and joy as they keep on getting new skills and resources. Our classrooms are full of happy children, active and commited. We guarantee all our children reach their potential, get a loving and solid selfesteem and enter a school ready for success.


Bliss provides a safe atmosphere for everyone, an attractive and well equiped environment which includes exceptional educators. The whole team is devoted to the protection and happiness of the children.


In the heart of everything we do, attentive professionals support your child with a positive guide in order to help him feel appreciated, trusty and in bliss. We put an extra effort to foment success and commitment with Bliss.


We want our classes to become extensions of their home and a real work team based in trust, confidence and comodity . We value overall team work and mutual learning, feedback is also really importante for us.

The gallery

Individual learning focused on the child

Each day, children explore increasing abilities that help expand their mindsets, strength their bodies and inspire love for new discoveries. We aim to a personalised learning. Each of the activities will be adapted to the child’s needs.

We basically believe each child is unique and our program is designed to embrace and celebrate all these extraordinary and marvellous differences.

Our learning tool guides provide a fundamental way of learning focused on the child that will make families and teachers become an essential part of their development.

We establish personal reachable goals in synch with the teachers and the principal to help them reach their next hit. This is much more than just a nursery school!

¡¡¡ book your place !!!


c/ Maria de Maeztu 52, 28049 – Madrid.
[email protected]+34 699 372 549

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